Advanced Frontend Links of the Week

36th part of the series - advanced links in the area of web frontend development.

I'm back from my vacation! While the pools and the beach are certainly a lot of fun, I also appreciate reading some great #posts and #articles in the #frontend #webdev space. After going through my mails and surfing the web I've spotted a couple of great submissions that I wanted to share with you. Enjoy reading and let me know if there has been anything interesting for you!

1. Open sourcing graphql-query: 8.7x faster GraphQL query parser written in Rust by Jovi De Croock
I guess the fastest way to serve GraphQL is to not use it.

2. Million Lint is now 1.0-rc by Aiden Bai et al.
This might be even more important than the React Compiler.

3. Incremental Path to React 19: React Conf Follow-Up by Ryan Florence
The Remix team is still releasing great stuff, but there arch enemy is also around the door ...

4. Next.js 15 RC by Delba de Oliveira and Zack Tanner
... and is making good progress on their next release.

5. An interactive study of queueing strategies by Sam Rose
Love this one!

6. The internet is full of broken links by Tom Jones
Unfortunately, keeping links alive is an underrated and underpaid endeavor.

7. JetBrains AI Assistant for JavaScript Developers – WebStorm by Ekaterina Ryabuhka
Really awesome stuff - I cannot recommend this enough!

8. Angular 18 released, including the ‘same library used by Google Search’ thanks to Wiz merger by Tim Anderson
So far I fail to see what the big fuzz is about. Are we zoneless yet?!

9. We’ve Got Container Queries Now, But Are We Actually Using Them? by Chris Coyier
As long as we don't have full browser support I don't think we'll use them.

10. Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That by Brech De Ruyte
Replace "might" with "do".

🙏 Many thanks to all authors for their hard work - much appreciated!

Created . Last updated .


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